July 25, 2023

Five minute watercolour doodle

You know those times when the spirit is willing but the body is weak, I very much wanted to paint today but I had had a busy morning and by the time I was free to do it, I was too tired to think straight. So I doodled with watercolours. I chose similar turquoise colours, except one that was more green, of Daniel Smith's regular paints. I chose a brush I hardly ever use, a 3/4" flat brush (I tend to choose round and I think that's a mistake) and I worked on the reverse side of a bad painting. It was fun. I didn't think about it, plan it, worry about it, just went at it. This was the result. It took about 5 minutes to do and far more time selecting which colours I wanted to use. 

Wet - 5 minute watercolour doodle
I admit, I like it better wet. You can see how the watercolour paint and paper just do their own thing without any interference from artists. 
Dry - 5 minute watercolour doodle

I might doodle in black ink on this at some point, just for a bit more art therapy. 

By the way, I thought I would mention that I have various assortments of types and brands of brushes but my 'go to' brushes, after trying so many, are Escoda Versatil. They are cruelty free and hold quite a lot of water, getting great reviews on YouTube if you want to check them out. 

Koi Carp and lily pads in a journal

I am trying so hard to get back into painting and instead of just relaxing and splashing about, I keep trying to do something worthy of hang...