September 23, 2023

Watercolour painting of primitive pottery (2)

As I work on my Strathmore watercolour journal I want the adjoining pages to relate to one another. I did one painting of primitive pottery a few days ago and this is another so that the painting now stretches across two whole pages. I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out. Although the watercolour paper in the journal is not the easiest to work with (it is far from robust), granulating paints are really easy to lift off which helped me with my usual method of putting paint on and taking it off and messing about and so on until I'm relatively happy with the result. It is very rare that I am entirely pleased.

Watercolour painting of primitive pottery
And the end result. I tied myself in knots over the border of the painting and settled for a mishmash of Schmincke Horadam Mars Black with a skim of Daniel Smith Prima metallic paint. 

When I finished the painting, or thought I had, I felt that there was this big blank space right in the top middle so I stuck an impression of a painting within a painting on it. 

Watercolour of primitive pottery

Koi Carp and lily pads in a journal

I am trying so hard to get back into painting and instead of just relaxing and splashing about, I keep trying to do something worthy of hang...